Finally, there’s a small bit of sense coming out of this year’s Legislative Session. A bill (SB 2282) presented by Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, would prohibit local governments from charging fees to at-fault drivers for police and fire/rescue response to auto accidents. Tallahassee Fire Chief Cindy Dick recommended imposing the fee to supplement the agency’s budget, and on January 28th, Tallahassee city commissioners approved the measure.
Apparently Chief Dick and city commissioners see no problem with taxing Tallahassee residents twice for these services since those who pay property tax already pay a fee for police, fire, and 911 service. And there is no provision in the city measure to exclude residents from being charged or to eliminate their property tax for the service. Imagine that.
I’m not totally opposed to a pay-go process for city services, but Chief Dick’s recommendation and the city commission’s approval is arrogant. It demonstrates their belief that they can do as they please and their inability to prioritize and spend wisely. Chief Dick commented that without the fees, budget constraints threatened to force her to take two truck companies and a tanker off the road. But non-essential employees can commute in city vehicles and Tallahassee needs a Performing Arts Center? I don’t think so. I’ll bet Chief Dick drives a nice city-owned ride. When was last time she responded to a fire or accident scene? I could go on.
We don’t have a budget problem…we have a spending problem. Mayor OfftheMark and the city commissioners need to wake up. And we need to help them.
The Tallahassee Reports Daily Briefs: Friday, March 14, 2025
LOCAL NEWS The Children’s Services Council of Leon County (CSC Leon) will
host its Finance & Budget Committee Meeting on Thursday, March 20. See the
3 days ago
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